Beautiful Mountain Top Mullein

October 22, 2018 Abbie Bradford

Beautiful Mountain Top Mullein

Finding medicinal plants on top of a mountain after a strenuous hike is my new favorite hobby. Along with a southern twang, I also took a few leaves home with me from Georgia.


This is Mullein whom I found yesterday. A beautiful medicinal plant with an affinity for the respiratory system. In summer it has beautiful yellow flowers that erect on a spike several feet from the center.


It has a super soft cozy feel seen rarely in the plant world. I liken it to sage “on steroids”. However Mullein often grows in disturbed soils and tends to improve the soil making it good enough for other plants to thrive and then moves on and quits growing there.

This plant is great for many respiratory ailments like coughs, laryngitis, sinusitis, hoarseness, whooping cough and bronchitis; and is generally recognized as safe (meaning no known cautions).

Mullein has been known since Dioscorides, a Greek pharmacologist and botanist, recommended it for use in lung conditions around 2,000 years ago. Plant medicine is truly ancient medicine!

You can find this medicinal herb along with many others in many respiratory herbal products. A great one to have on hand in your winter medicine cabinet! I have personally seen the wonders of this plant many times over in patients.